My brother Shoguns,
Today, I’m going to share five of my favorite Shogunisms.
What are Shogunisms?
Well, these are short sayings or axioms based on Shogun Method. As you may know, the entire program is four hours on video, but I think these five axioms summarize everything.
The first Shogunism is one every Shogun should know–
Enslavement, not seduction.
This is Shogun Method main idea, and it’s what makes it different from other programs.
What does “enslavement, not seduction” mean?
Well, according to Derek Rake, love is not enough. A man and a woman can be madly in love with each other and nothing comes out of it.
Not only that, warm feelings of love and affection are, in most cases, temporary. They usually fizzle out sooner than you think.
So, what Derek recommends to Shoguns is to move a step further into the enslavement territory. He doesn’t mean physical enslavement, of course! That would be crazy, not to mention illegal. When he talks about enslavement, it’s about emotional enslavement.
What’s emotional enslavement?
Simple–it’s dependency.
Because here’s the thing. We don’t want our women to merely love us. Whatever we do, it’s to engineer dependence and subservience. Because Shoguns understand this… while love is temporary, emotional enslavement is forever.
OK, now here’s something I rarely do, so, buckle up.
Few Shoguns will agree with me, but I’ll stick my neck out and say it anyway…
I think Derek overreached with this one.
And here’s why. While I understand where he comes from, I’d rather not have a mindless slave as a girlfriend. I mean, subservient sex is mind blowing and I love it, but it’s not everything. I want my woman to love me for who I am, not because I used the Black Rose Sequence on her.
But here’s the good thing about Shogun Method. You don’t have to go balls-to-the-wall if you don’t want to.
There are four stages inside Shogun Method–I, R, A and E–and most of us don’t go all the way to the fourth stage. We simply don’t have to. Just because you’ve got a V8 Lambo it doesn’t mean you have to go 150 miles an hour, right?
In any case, if there are three words that describe Shogun Method, they’re these–enslavement, not seduction. I may not agree with it 100%, but I love, love, love its power.
Next is the second Shogunism–
Erotic tension stems from anxiety, punctuated with fear.
This Shogunism follows directly from the first. And it describes yet another important Shogun Method difference from convention.
When we think about love and dating, we think about the fun times, right? When we take a woman out, we want to show her a good time, hoping she’ll want to go out with us again…
…and guess what? As many guys soon find out, that’s how they get friendzoned.
Shoguns understand this. Good times are nice, but it’s the bad times that when true love emerges. Strange, but putting a woman through bad times could make her fall in love with you!
There’s a reason why the first thing you learn as a Shogun is fractionation. It’s how you put a woman on an emotional rollercoaster–so she experiences both the good and the bad with you.
Now, here’s the question that many non-Shoguns ask:
Why does a woman fall in love during the bad times?
The answer is simple. As we all know, love comes only from erotic tension. And the best way to create erotic tension is through anxiety and fear, it’s true.
And this leads us to the third Shogunism–
In love, there are no fair fights.
Like poet John Lyly once said, all is fair in love and war. If you want to win, sometimes you got to take the gloves off and fight with your bare fists.
I’m in this game to win it, and I’ll do whatever it takes. Shogun Method is for people like me, and that’s all I need. I pity the fool who thinks he can make it with pickup lines and guru tricks. That’s like turning up at a gunfight with a stick.
And that’s not all…
Some clowns want Shogun Method banned because it’s unfair to those who don’t know it. Well, tough luck then, fuckers. That’s why Shoguns are getting the prime cut of the meat while those losers are scrambling for scraps.
Now, here’s the thing all Shoguns must understand.
As Akira Anzai once told me, the world is unfair, but guess what? We can make it unfair to our advantage. And that’s what Shogun Method is all about–an unfair advantage. Let’s make no apologies for using it, my brothers.
And this brings us to the fourth Shogunism–
Suffering intensifies pleasure.
Again, this ties back to fractionation, the art of the emotional rollercoaster. We want our women to be happy, but we forget one thing–that they want not only happiness. In fact, women secretly yearn for some melancholy in their lives.
I know this sounds somewhat strange, but it’s true. Derek calls it a loophole in the female mind, but I see this flaw even in men, not just women.
Because, look. A life without challenges is a painfully boring life. As someone smart once said, conflict and challenges give life texture. Women know this, and that’s why they seek conflict and drama.
So, how do we exploit this flaw to our advantage? Well, here’s what Derek teaches us to do–
Create conflict on purpose.
By injecting turmoil into her life, you’re satisfying her hunger for emotional drama. Because remember… erotic tension stems only from anxiety and fear.
And it’s true: couples that go through hell together stick together. So, if you want a long-lasting relationship with your woman, embrace conflict with glee. And if there aren’t problems in your relationship, create some. Fuck shit up just for the sake of it!
Got that? Good.
Finally, here comes the fifth and the last Shogunism of the day–
Indoctrination, not persuasion.
To be fair, this didn’t come from Derek Rake, but from Akira Anzai. Akira is a brother Shogun like us, and so I think it’s fair to put it here. After all, it’s plain to see where this comes from–I’d say it’s inspired by enslavement, not seduction. It’s kinda obvious, right?
So, what’s this indoctrination business? Well, to explain, we’ve got to look at the history books.
Derek wrote and published Shogun Method in 2015 as a fresh new take on how to win the relationship game. Ever since then, it has spread out to over 17,000 men around the world.
Now, here’s the thing…
Pickup artist and relationship guru fads usually only last a year (or two at most). Shogun Method started back in 2015 and we are still going strong for a good reason. Shoguns stick around because of one thing:
After fixing their love lives, they found another use for their knowledge.
Because think about it. If you can use Shogun Method on your woman and put her under your control, what’s stopping you from using it on anyone? Nothing, right?
As Derek once told me, Shogun Method is, at its core, a program on social influence. You don’t have to use it on women only. You can pretty much use it to gain influence over anyone.
Now, here’s the kicker. You can’t simply use the IRAE Model wholesale on anyone you wish.
I mean, let’s say you want to persuade your boss to give you a raise. You can’t go Intrigue–Rapport–Attract–Enslave on him, can you?
So, to solve this problem, Derek asked Akira to develop a system based on Shogun Method for one special purpose:
To serve as a tool for social influence.
The result was Shogun Method X.
And since then, Akira has branched out on his own, publishing the Dark Lever about three months ago and it’s a banger. The upcoming Anzai Protocol will be as amazing and I can’t wait to read it. If you want an advance copy, try emailing him.
Once, a Shogun asked Akira–
“What’s the difference between the Anzai Protocol and a persuasion book like Cialdini’s Influence?”
Akira answered–
“I don’t teach persuasion. I teach indoctrination.”
In Shogun Method, we have learned the fallacy of seduction, and why enslavement is the way. In a similar way, persuasion is fake. Effective influence is about indoctrination, not persuasion.
So, here’s the bottom line–
When dealing with women, think enslavement, not seduction. When dealing with anyone else, think indoctrination, not persuasion.
Easy to remember, right?
So, there you go, the five Shogunisms every Shogun should know. And here they are again–
Enslavement, not seduction.
In love, there are no fair fights.
Erotic tension stems from anxiety and fear.
Suffering intensifies pleasure.
Indoctrination, not persuasion.
Finally, let us all remember this. With Shogun Method and Shogun Method X, we now have a fuck ton of power. We can now psychologically brute force anyone to submit to our will, men and women.
Ain’t life grand for a Shogun?