OK, if you’re looking for signs that your marriage is fucked, then you know what? Your marriage is probably already fucked. Sorry, man.
Here’s the good news, though. There’s a way to un-fuck your marriage, and you’ll learn about it later in this guide. Anyhow, I’ll tell you the three biggest signs of fucked-up marriages. With this, you’ll get to know just how bad things get, and if it’s even worth salvaging.
Sign number one is what I call the Expectation of Equality. Does she expect her to be equal to you in the marriage?
Now, this may trigger some people but hey, I’m just the messenger here. I don’t make the rules. It’s true that if your wife EXPECTS to be treated equally in a marriage, it’s probably the first sign of trouble.
The husband’s role is different from the wife’s, and that’s a given in a healthy marriage. If the wife wants to usurp the husband and play HIS role, guess what? Things will go downhill from there quickly, trust me.
Got that? Good.
Sign number two is the lack of respect.
This usually goes hand-in-hand with the Expectation of Equality. Has she ever said anything like this to you?
“You should treat me as equal, and respect me as an equal.”
Here’s the thing. If someone says she wants you to respect her, it means she doesn’t respect you.
The lack of respect is a sign of chronically fucked-up marriages. Why? Because a woman cannot love a man she doesn’t respect. It’s just not possible.
Does she embarrass you in front of other people? Does she raise her voice when talking to you in front of your kids? Does she talk badly about you with her friends and family?
Yes? Then she doesn’t respect you, plain and simple. Get what I mean?
OK, so here’s the third and final sign–
She threatens to leave you.
She thinks you fear a divorce, and so she uses it to blackmail you.
What does that mean? Well, either she’s an asshole, or she thinks you’re replaceable. In either case, what’s the point of keeping her?
So, let’s do a quick recap. Here are the three signs your marriage is fucked.
One, she expects to be equal to you.
Two, she disrespects you.
And three, she threatens to leave you.
How many signs do you see? One, two or all three?
In any case, there’s only one thing to do. Earlier in the video I told you I’d teach you an easy way out of the mess, and here it is–
Fucking leave her.
Well, let’s be real here. You may be in love with her, and it’s great. But you know what? For most guys, they stay in shitty marriages because they think they don’t have a choice.
Guess what? I’m here to tell you this–you DO have a choice. In fact, you have LOTS OF CHOICES and yet you’re blind to them.
If your crap marriage is holding you back, why still keep it? Walk out on her and embrace the freedom of dating women who love and respect you.
And if you think you can’t do better, listen to me. If I can date fucking five high-quality women who all want me to wife them, you can. Trust me on this.
The only difference is that I know Shogun Method, and that’s the only thing that separates you and me.
I am not here to shill Shogun Method because everyone already knows how great it is. But it saddens me that my fellow brothers stick with shitty marriages simply because they don’t know about Shogun Method.
The answer is so fucking simple, man. Let me spell it out for you in three steps.
- One, dump that woman.
- Two, learn Shogun Method and get hot, loyal women who love and respect you for real. And,
- Three, ride off into the sunset with your women in tow.
That’s all. You can thank me later.
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