Are you tired of not being successful with women and relationships?
Or are you in a relationship right now, but it’s not doing well, and you feel like you’d rather die than lose your woman?
Let me tell you this upfront:
It’s not your fault.
Seriously, it’s really not. But it IS, however, your responsibility to fix things.
Let me tell you why.
I’m sure you believed conventional relationship advice before. Maybe you even believe it now. Maybe you believe that you should see women as your equal,’ or that you should never, ever say or do anything that offends them… because you believe that’s what women want in a man.
I was like that. And I was single for years. No woman wanted me. I felt like a total loser. Maybe that’s what you’re going through right now.
Or maybe you’ve even tried following pickup artist advice. You learned stuff about opening women,’ negging,’ and a bunch of pickup routines’ – but they never worked for you.
Or they may have worked, but they never led to that strong, lasting, fulfilling relationship you crave. You kept finding yourself back at the beginning.
I was there too. I felt stuck. Helpless. Frustrated. I thought to myself, There had to be a better way.’
And you know what? There is a better way. And I was able to finally find lasting success and happiness with women.
And today, it’s my life’s greatest pleasure to help men like you solve the same problems I went through.
These days, I love it when a guy who used to be shy or insecure start making women smile, laugh, and fall in love with him effortlessly… because he listened to my lessons.
I love it when men start taking charge of their relationships, when they no longer feel emasculated and lonely, but instead they feel strong, dominant, and unshakably confident… because they followed my advice.
I absolutely love it. And now, I want you to be that successful, too.
So what do I teach these men that change their lives and fix their relationships so well?
Let me introduce you to the concept of Dark Mind Control.
‘Dark Mind Control’ is really just a cool way of saying: If you understand the female mind completely, then you can influence it and make it work in your favor.

You might have heard of this program called Shogun Method by Derek Rake. It is quite different from everything you might find in a relationship advice program. If you have heard things like the IRAE Model, Fractionation Hypnosis, Implanted Commands, Reverse Psychology and the ENTICE/REPEL cycle, Shogun Method is where these concepts came from originally. You may also be interested in my (infamous) Shogun Method review.
Mind you, I’m just a regular Joe, and I’m not particularly good looking or gifted at anything. But I have something that most guys don’t, that is the discovery of Dark Mind Control and more importantly, how to use it to create loving, long-tasting relationships with women.
So here’s how Mind Control is different from conventional relationship advice:
When you understand what women need, want, and desire most of all – if you can understand what really makes them tick, instead of the smokescreen advice you read on politically-correct mass media – then you can control women’s decisions.
And that includes the decisions they make when it comes to men, dating, love, and relationships.
When you understand the female mind completely, then you can make a woman – any woman – feel not just attracted to you, not just seduced by you… but totally, completely addicted to you.
She’ll feel so addicted to you that she’ll do anything to make you hers. She’ll love you, respect you, support you, obey you, and never leave you no matter what.
And guess what? She will be much happier because naturally, every woman wants a man that she can love, support and respect. So, everyone wins in the end.
That’s the power of Dark Mind Control. And as you follow my teachings closely, that power will be yours, too.
If you’re tired of relationship advice that just doesn’t work for you…
If you want to start becoming successful with women and relationships for a change…
…and if you’re willing to do whatever it takes – even if it’s hard, controversial, or politically-incorrect…
…then learn Dark Mind Control now. You’ll change your life forever – just as I changed mine.
No more asking yourself, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ or ‘Why don’t women like me?’
No more wondering: ‘Am I about to lose her?’ or ‘Will I be single and lonely forever?’
No more.
And say hello to strong, happy, lasting relationships with the woman – or women – of your dreams.
Your struggle ends right here, right now.
Start with this key Mind Control technique known as Fractionation. Click here.

Copyright Frederick Hill. All rights reserved. To contact me, use this form.