Want to learn how to make your wife happy?
Of course, you do – isn’t that one of the goals of any good husband?
Unfortunately, too many men today FAIL at making their wives happy. And if you’re not careful, you may end up as one of them.
Why do so many of us fail at making our wives happy?
It’s all because too many of us make ONE HUGE MISTAKE in the process.
And as a result of this mistake, we tend to make our wives UNHAPPY – often to the point of divorce.
I’m sure you’ve seen it going on lately. Lots of happy couples and happy marriages don’t last. Something always seems to go wrong along the way.
And that’s the danger of the whole thing. If you don’t know what this ONE HUGE MISTAKE is, then you’re liable to make it in your own marriage. And that could spell the end of everything.
So let’s fix that in today’s video, shall we?
This video will show you what this ONE HUGE MISTAKE is and how to do avoid it. And most importantly, you’ll learn what you should REALLY do to make your wife happy.
Get ready – what you’re about to learn just might save your marriage before it’s too late.
So here’s the ONE HUGE MISTAKE to avoid at all costs.
Too many husbands today make the mistake of trying to please their wives 100% of the time.
In other words, they spend all their time TRYING to make her happy.
And they spend NONE of their time inflicting stress, drama, and emotional pain on them.
And as a result, over the years, their wives start feeling annoyed, irritated, and disgusted.
THIS is the HUGE MISTAKE you should avoid at all costs.
Now, you might be thinking: “What the heck, Fredo? You’re telling me that to make my wife happy, I have to HURT her? What kind of B.S. is that?”
First of all, let me tell you this: I get that question a LOT. I have many clients who come to me for advice on their marriage.
And when I tell them about the ONE HUGE MISTAKE, they tell me:
“That’s crazy, Fredo. You know what, I love you man, most of your advice has worked wonders for me, but THIS? I think I’ll pass. I’d never do anything to hurt my wife, man.”
People tell me this all the time. I get it. It’s unconventional. It’s hard to swallow. I get it.
And yet you know what? A few months or years later, these same clients come back to me. This time, they’re asking for advice on how to prevent a divorce.
True story.
So I hope you treat that as a little “spoiler alert” for your own marriage. If you ONLY try to make her happy, then you’re setting yourself up for a 50% chance of divorce within your lifetime. Not good.
Make no mistake. You MUST inflict stress, drama, and emotional pain on your wife.
The catch is, of course, you need to do it CORRECTLY.
There are two ways of inflicting emotional pain on a woman – the RIGHT way and the WRONG way.
Do it the WRONG way, and she’ll definitely consider divorcing you or calling the police on you. Oops.
And yet when you do it the RIGHT way, things change dramatically.
She’ll actually become HAPPIER. She’ll be MORE supportive, MORE respectful, and MORE loving.
And your marriage will finally have the foundation it needs to last a lifetime.
The key, then, is to do it RIGHT.
So how do you do that?
With something I call “Deep Emotional Addiction.”
Think of it this way – if you want your wife to stay with you for a lifetime, then it’s not enough that she loves you. Remember, lots of couples who love each other still end up divorcing.
So let me say that again – it’s not enough that she loves you.
She needs to be DEEPLY EMOTIONALLY ADDICTED to you, as well.
So let me tell you all about Deep Emotional Addiction.
I first learned about this wonderful state of mind from my friend and mentor, Derek Rake.
Now, Derek is a San Diego-based attraction coach. He doesn’t teach cheesy “pickup artist” tricks, though. Instead, he teaches men how to completely understand the female mind.
His students are taught to understand women’s deepest needs, triggers, and motivations.
And that’s where Deep Emotional Addiction comes in.
This is the state of mind where a woman is totally, completely addicted to a man. It’s so deep that no matter how good or bad the marriage might be, she would never EVER leave him.
It’s the same kind of addiction we’d feel towards your favorite TV show, or a drug, or a celebrity, or a video game. Only this time, you want your wife to feel it for YOU.
So how do you do that?
The simplest way is through the time-honored psychological “secret weapon.” I’m talking about emotional rollercoasters.
What’s that about, you ask?
Earlier in this article, I’ve told you that only trying to make your wife happy is a HUGE mistake. It puts your marriage on a knife’s edge after a while.
I also told you that if you want your wife to love you forever, you’ll need to inflict emotional pain on her.
That leads us to our secret weapon – emotional rollercoasters.
You’ll want to make your wife feel alternating cycles of emotional highs and lows.
Emotional highs include happiness, excitement, relaxation, bliss, peace of mind… that sort of thing.
Meanwhile, emotional lows include sadness, boredom, discomfort, fear, uncertainty. You get the idea, right?
This is the reason why women love bad boys, but hate nice guys.
Nice guys can only ever give them emotional highs.
Bad boys, on the other hand, give them BOTH emotional highs and lows.
And the effect on the female mind is clear as day, isn’t it?
Of course, since your goal is to make your wife truly happy for a lifetime, the formula should also be clear. You’ll want to make her feel more emotional highs than lows – but the ROLLERCOASTER must always be there.
It should be in ever-intensifying cycles of pain and pleasure over the years.
That’s what will put her in that Deep Emotional Addiction state. And it’s only in that state that she can feel truly happy.
Got it?
Now that leads us to the obvious question:
How EXACTLY do you put your wife on emotional rollercoasters?
Here’s my suggestion: Do it the SIMPLEST way possible.
And by that, I mean you should put your wife on emotional rollercoasters using just the words you say.
Think about it. You talk to your wife every single day, right?
What if you could adjust the way you communicate with her? What if, through your everyday conversations, you put her on emotional rollercoasters?
That’s a proven, powerful way to make her feel that Deep Emotional Addiction for you.
And this technique is so well-known in psychological circles that it has a proper name.
It’s called “Fractionation.” And it’s your key to a strong, happy marriage with a woman who loves you forever.
Now, here’s the catch: I can’t explain the whole of Fractionation in this article.
That’s why I’ll let the master himself, Derek Rake, do it for me.
Want to learn how to make your wife happy – for life?
Then get ready.
In just a moment, a link will pop up inside this video.
That link will take you to Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
In it, he’ll teach you all about Fractionation. You’ll learn what it really is, how it works, and – of course – how to start using it on your wife.
Trust me on this. If you had the time to master only ONE Mind Control technique in your life, better make it Fractionation.
After all, it can spell the difference between a messy, painful divorce… or a happy, lifelong marriage.
It’s an easy choice to make, right?
So go ahead – click the link and join Derek’s Online Masterclass right now. Do it.