Is there a woman in your life right now that you’re attracted to…
…and you have the gut feeling that she’s attracted to you, too…
…but you hesitate to make any move on her because you’re worried you might be wrong?
If that’s your problem, then let me tell you: I totally understand where you’re coming from. Believe me, I do!
And you know what…
These days, it’s becoming harder and harder to be a man. Even just being friendly to the women at your workplace can put you at risk of a sexual harassment lawsuit.
So it’s perfectly understandable. When a woman you secretly like is being extra-friendly with you, it puts you in a dilemma.
What should you do?
How do you know if she really likes you, or is just being friendly?
And if she IS attracted to you, how do you move forward from there?
How to tell if a woman is attracted to you?
Well, guess what? This short video will answer all those questions and more.
You’re about to learn how to tell if a woman really IS attracted to you…
…and you’ll also learn how to take your relationship with her to the next level… WITHOUT the risk of getting called out for sexual harassment.
The BIGGEST sign she’s attracted to you.
So here’s the deal…
The “biggest sign” a woman is attracted to you has only actually been recently discovered.
It was identified by Derek Rake, the famous mentalist and relationships coach. Derek calls it “Baseline Deviation,” and it’s the CLEAREST, SUREST SIGN a woman is attracted to you.
What’s a Baseline Deviation?
Here’s how it works.
First, think of the woman who you THINK is attracted to you.
Observe how she acts when she’s with her male friends and colleagues. Observe how she talks, whether or not she touches them, the topics she talks about and doesn’t talk about, etc.
That’s her “baseline.” That’s how she “normally” acts when she’s with male company.
Now observe how she acts when she’s with YOU. Does she still act like her baseline? Or does she act differently?
If she’s still in her baseline behavior when she’s with you, then she’s probably not attracted to you.
But when she DEVIATES from her baseline when she’s with you… if she treats you differently from how she treats her male friends… then she JUST MIGHT BE attracted to you!
So how exactly would a woman deviate from her baseline?
Here are some of the most common “deviations” to watch out for:
- She might compliment you more than she does for anyone else.
- Or she might start and hold conversations with you, sometimes out of the blue.
- Or she might find excuses to interact with you.
- Or she might go out of her way to do you a favor.
- Or she and you might have a “just between you and me” thing going on.
You get the idea!
What’s more, you should also look out for uncommon deviations, such as the following:
- She might AVOID contact with you.
- Or when you’re both in a group, she might look at you first after someone says a joke.
- Or she might insult you out of the blue.
- Or she might flirt with other guys in front of you, but never when you’re not around.
- Or she might reveal some really personal and emotional details to you.
And there you have it. I just gave you a list of 10 baseline deviations to watch out for. When she acts “out of her baseline” with you, then there’s a pretty good chance she has the hots for you.
Now we come to the next part. Let’s say she DOES have feelings for you – but she hasn’t said it out loud yet. What should you do next?
Should you go for it and make a move?
Or should you play it safe and NOT make a move?
That’s totally up to you. But in my opinion, you totally SHOULD go for it.
Because understand this: It’s a HUGE DEAL for a woman to show her attraction to a man like this.
It’s a HUGE RISK for her reputation… and she’s taking that risk for you.
I think you should BE A MAN and reward her for it!
So how EXACTLY do you make a move?
That’s coming up next.
So how do you make a move when you think she’s attracted to you?
First, you’ll need to return the favor. You’ll need to hint that you’re attracted to her, too.
Take note: You don’t TELL HER OUTRIGHT that you like her too. It’s jarring, and if other people are around, she just might change her mind to protect her reputation.
Instead, you’ll need to keep your true intentions hidden. You’ll want to keep her guessing.
The more she wonders about you, the stronger her attraction to you becomes. That’s the key!
How exactly do you keep her guessing?
Try this. When you’re in a conversation with her, switch between platonic and romantic topics.
For example:
- First, you talk about a platonic topic like travel…
- Then, you talk about something romantic… such as how you and your “ex-girlfriend” used to travel together…
- After that, you switch back to a platonic topic, such as what her dream destination is…
- Then, you switch to something romantic again, such as thinking out loud… “I wonder what it would be like to travel together.”
You get the idea!
You’ll know you’re doing it right when she plays along. When she actually steers the conversation BACK onto romantic topics, you know she’s into you.
When that happens, you seal the deal.
For example, let’s say while you’re talking about travel, she says: “I think I’d love to travel with you.”
You can then say: “We’ll see. I might need to ask you to be my girlfriend first, but that sounds like a good idea.”
Notice something in that statement?
You didn’t just say “Be my girlfriend,” and you shouldn’t. Again, it’s a jarring command, and it just might make her change her mind about everything. Don’t make that mistake!
Instead, you CAMOUFLAGE the command “be my girlfriend” in a harmless sentence. It won’t sound so jarring to her – in fact, it might even sound cute and funny – but it’ll do the trick.
The phrase, “Be my girlfriend,” will ring in her subconscious over and over.
And as a result, she’ll be much more likely to say: “You know what? I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
She might say it then and there, or she might say it sometime later. But she WILL say it… as long as you play your cards right!
And there you have it – a basic way to move things forward with a woman who’s attracted to you.
Now you have a basic system to use when a woman you like starts showing those baseline deviations.
Now here’s the catch: No two situations will be exactly alike.
That is – you can’t expect to use the exact SAME approach with every woman who’s interested in you.
That means you’ll need to know how to improvise. You’ll need to tailor your conversation topics, and your pace, with every woman who’s attracted to you.
That’s your main challenge.
And guess what? This article’s got that covered, too.
Earlier, you learned that “baseline deviation” is a concept developed by Derek Rake.
But that’s not all he developed.
Remember the conversation style we discussed earlier? The one that went back-and-forth between romantic and platonic topics?
That was another Derek Rake Mind Control concept. It’s called Fractionation.
And the trick where you “camouflaged” your command in a harmless sentence?
Another Mind Control concept, called “Implanted Commands.”
It’s all Mind Control. And it’s the fastest, SAFEST way to move things forward with a woman who’s attracted to you… but won’t say it out loud.
And if you want to master Mind Control, then Derek Rake has something special for you.
In just a moment, a link will come up inside this video. It’s going to take you to Derek’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
In Derek’s Online Masterclass, you’ll learn the basics of Mind Control and its principles. That way, you’ll know exactly what to do when the next pretty woman starts hinting she likes you.
Do the smart thing: Grab this opportunity and put your dating life in order. Go ahead and sign up to Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass now. Do it. Click the link.