“Is she playing me, or just scared?”
This is one of the most common questions I get from my beloved FredoHill.com readers, and it’s the question I’ll be answering today.
It’s a question every guy asks after a while. I mean, you’ve wondered the same thing in the past, right?
You’re building a friendship with a new girl, and she seems interested in you, too. And yet it’s like she’s playing “hard to get.”
Like she’s stringing you along, daring you to make a move while acting uninterested.
It’s confusing and maddening at the same time, isn’t it?
So let’s answer that question again. Is she playing you? Or is she just scared and playing it safe?
I’m about to explain why virtually EVERY woman acts this way when a good guy like you starts showing interest in her.
By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly why she’s treating you that way. And you’ll realize it makes perfect sense for her to act like that.
More importantly, you’ll know what to do next. You’ll learn how to make her fall in love with you, even if she’s playing you right now.
Two Types of Players
So why is she acting like she’s playing you?
It’s all because she’s scared.
Yup, you guessed it right. She’s scared. And she has good reason to be.
“Playing hard-to-get” is every woman’s defense mechanism against players. And there are a lot of them out there.
There are two types of players women watch out for.
The first type of player is the guy who just wants one-night-stand encounters. And every smart woman is careful not to give in too easily to these kinds of men.
Why? Simple – because her reputation is at risk. Every smart woman’s “end goal” for the dating game is to find a strong, good husband who loves her.
And what happens if her reputation is ruined because people knew she gave in to players too easily? Her chances of finding that kind of good man drop dramatically.
And so she acts very, very hard-to-get around those players.
That’s the first kind of player. The second type is slightly different. This is the guy who PRETENDS he’s a good, husband-material type of man.
He’s the type who TRICKS women into falling in love with him. And then he pumps and dumps them. Lots of these pricks around, huh?
And so she needs to protect herself from these guys. She’ll play with him for a few months. If he’s really just a player and not the real deal, he’ll lose interest and quit.
And that, my friend, is why women play with men who love them. It’s their first line of defense. And it’s all for her end goal of a happy, lifelong marriage with a guy who truly loves her.
Do you understand now? It all makes sense, right?
How To Make A Woman Surrender To You
So now, here’s my question for you. Do you truly love her?
If you don’t, and if you’re one of the two kinds of players I described – just stop. You’ll only end up hurting her and yourself.
Now, if you DO love her and want to make her happy for the rest of her life, then keep listening.
I’m about to show you how to make her see you as THE ONE she wants to spend her life with.
Why? It’s because when she’s 100% sure you’re the one, she’ll drop the act and fall MADLY in love with you.
And spoiler alert:
The key is to make her mentally SURRENDER to you.
It’s a phenomenon called “Subconscious Submission.” And it primes her to be her happiest, most loving version of herself.
Subconscious Submission Sequence
Now let me tell you about the Subconscious Submission Sequence.
It’s a concept developed by the guys at Shogun Method. In case that name’s new to you, it’s an online community of men. These Shoguns apply deep psychology and Mind Control principles to the dating game.
Shogun Method is where I learned everything I’m teaching you right now. I’ve written a review about the program which you can find here.
Now back to the Subconscious Submission Sequence. To explain what it is, let’s do a thought experiment.
Think of the female mind for a moment. It acts, reacts, thinks, and feels in certain predictable ways when it’s in love. Or in lust, for that matter.
When you understand how the female mind works, you can make a woman do anything. Even if it’s to fall so madly in love with you that she stops playing hard-to-get.
And that brings us to the Subconscious Submission process. This is the state of mind where a woman stops playing safe and relaxes. She’ll “be herself,” because she’s 100% sure her reputation is safe with you.
It’s like she “surrenders” to you. And ironically, it’s the state of mind where a woman can be her happiest. And it’s the state of mind the Subconscious Submission Sequence will put her in.
Two Steps To Submission Heaven
First, you must show her that you UNDERSTAND the dating game. You know how it works, and it doesn’t faze you.
For instance, let’s say you’re having a conversation about each other’s lives. She tells you that she’s currently seeing a guy, but she’s not sure he’s “the one.”
When you ask why, she tells you that he gets angry easily, such as when she doesn’t pick up her phone on time.
You can then tell her:
“Oh, well, no wonder you’re not sure about him. You don’t feel safe with him. Here you are, a woman, and he’s getting all worked up because of you? It tells you he’s weak. And you’d feel terrible if you ended up with a weak man, right?”
Get the idea?
And while you’re giving this explanation to her, you move your hand AWAY from you whenever you refer to the guy. This will tell her subconscious that you’re NOT like her weak boyfriend.
You can then continue to tell her:
“Right. What you want is someone strong, emotionally mature, and someone who doesn’t get rattled by you so easily. It’s easy to fall in love with that kind of man, right?”
And while you’re saying this, you move your hand TOWARDS you whenever you refer to any positive male traits. This tells her subconscious that YOU have these traits.
That’s how the Subconscious Submission Sequence works.
What will happen next? You’ll be surprised. It’ll be almost like she’s melting in front of you. She’ll warm up to you within the space of a single conversation.
And since her subconscious is telling her that you’re a great guy – “the one,” even – then she stops playing hard-to-get. Instead, she’ll start chasing you. She’s not about to let you get away.
Pretty clever, right?
The Easier Alternative
Now, you might be thinking: “That sounds a bit daring, Fredo. Is there a safer way to make her stop playing hard-to-get?”
First of all, if you’re asking a similar question in your mind right now, I totally understand.
The Subconscious Submission Sequence is a bit daunting for inexperienced men.
Secondly – yes, there IS a safer, more passive way to make her stop playing hard-to-get.
Imagine this for a moment…
You have simple, regular conversations with her. You talk about simple, harmless topics that take her on emotional rollercoasters.
And yet over time, she grows more and more ADDICTED to you. Until she starts dropping hints that she wants to be more than just friends with you.
Yes, it’s possible. In fact, this technique might be even more powerful than Subconscious Submission.
So what’s this technique called?
Its name is Fractionation. And, yes, I can teach it to you.
In fact, come to think of it, it might be best if you mastered this FIRST before any other Mind Control technique. It’s much simpler and easier to grasp.
Its only drawback is that it requires a bit of finesse. And so it’s hard to explain it in this article…
So I got something better lined up for you– a Masterclass on Mind Control.
This special Masterclass is hosted by the founder of Shogun Method–who, incidentally, also popularized Fractionation.
In the Online Masterclass, you’ll learn what Fractionation is. You’ll also learn how it works, and–more importantly–how to start using it on your woman TODAY.
It’s that fast, and you’ll get results that fast as well.
So remember: It’s going to take a special man to make her stop playing hard-to-get.
You can be that man TODAY.
Do you want to be that man?
Are you willing to do whatever it takes?
Then go ahead–join the Masterclass right now. Click this link.