Do you think your wife is cheating on you?
Want to know how to make her reveal the truth WITHOUT confronting or challenging her?
Then watch ’til the end of this video. This might be the most important 10 minutes of your life.
First of all, let me start by saying this…
I understand the mix of rage and depression you’re going through. The thought of your own wife cheating on you with another man is enough to drive you insane.
And yet make no mistake. Reacting EMOTIONALLY will only make HER look like the victim.
And that’s only going to make the divorce come more swiftly and surely.
So if you want a chance at saving your relationship, you MUST use a logical approach. And that’s what you’ll be learning in this article.
For starters, I’m about to teach you a technique called the Revelation Sequence.
It’s a set of 4 questions to ask your cheating wife.
If she’s NOT cheating on you, then she’ll answer these questions easily and normally.
And yet if she’s REALLY seeing someone else, you’ll know it. Either she’ll come clean and apologize, or she’ll react defensively. You’ll immediately see she’s hiding something.
So if she’s cheating, the Revelation Sequence will reveal it. Guaranteed.
So let me tell you about the Revelation Sequence.
It was originally developed by my friend and mentor, Derek Rake.
If you haven’t heard of Derek before, he’s an attraction coach based in San Diego, California. And he teaches men how to understand and unlock the secrets of the female mind.
One of his specialties is to help guys who have problems with their marriages. Dealing with infidelity issues is Derek’s forte.
More on Derek Rake later. Now, let’s talk about the problem of unfaithful spouses.
You see, when it comes to cheating wives, here’s the secret you need to know about…
A cheating wife’s weakness is her reputation. She needs to protect it at all costs. That means absolutely NO ONE should know about her affair. Most especially you, her husband.
Now, imagine if she suddenly gets the feeling that you DO know.
She’d start overthinking, right? She’ll start wondering: “Does he know? Should I save face and confess? Or do I risk getting outed?”
And THEN you’ll notice her nervous behavior. That’s the tell-tale sign she’s hiding something.
And THAT’S the principle that the Revelation Sequence is based upon.
So here’s how it works. The first of four questions should pop up when she comes back from WHAT YOU SUSPECT was a cheating episode.
For instance, let’s say you suspect she’s cheating with her boss at work. You should then ask the first question when she comes home very late at night after “working overtime.”
So when she comes home, you ask your first question. “So, anything fun happened tonight?”
At this point, one of three things will happen…
- First, she might give you a quick, honest answer. She might say: “Yeah, Tina bought us all coffee and donuts. Bless her heart, it kept me from going crazy…” An answer like this means she’s probably NOT cheating on you. Though it’s still best to be sure by asking the remaining three questions.
- Secondly, she might get nervous and defensive. She might say: “W-why? What do you THINK happened tonight?” A reply like this means she’s PROBABLY cheating on you, though likewise, it’s best to be sure.
- Thirdly, she might try to end the conversation by saying: “I don’t want to talk about it.” This MAY BE another sign she’s cheating on you.
So even with just the first question, you can get a pretty good idea of whether she’s cheating on you or not. Still, to be completely sure, you’ll need to continue the Revelation Sequence.
And you might want to prepare yourself. The remaining three questions can be pretty dicey. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…
So, are you ready for them?
So here’s the second question to ask.
You then tell her a short story about cheating that’s related to her situation – in this case, it’s “working overtime.”
You can say:
“Overtime work always reminds me of my old buddy Joel. His wife Eve kept working overtime, saying she was working on a big project. It turns out she had been cheating on Joel with her boss.”
Then you ask her the second question: “Have I told you about Joel before?”
Again, one of three things can happen.
- First, she might be innocent and say something like: “No, what happened next?”
- Secondly, she might be guilty and get defensive. She might even say stuff like: “Are you implying I’m doing something behind your back?”
- And thirdly, she might try to end the conversation.
You keep the pressure on by asking the THIRD question. You can continue your story like this: “Well, so Eve had an affair with her boss. Then one day, she walked up to Joel and demanded a divorce. Could you believe some people could do that to the people they love?”
Again, she might engage you in the conversation, or react defensively, or try to shut you down.
Then you ask the last question: “I just hope it never happens to us. If you ever feel tempted, you’ll tell me, right?”
Now, at any point in the Revelation Sequence, your cheating wife just might break down. She’ll try to save face by confessing and apologizing. It can happen anytime, and when it does, congratulations. You’ve taken the next step towards saving your marriage.
At the same time, the Revelation Sequence may reveal that your wife ISN’T cheating on you. And that’s a good thing.
In any case, that’s how the Revelation Sequence tells you whether or not your wife is having an affair. And it does it quietly and subtly, under the radar, with zero confrontation.
And those are the 4 questions to ask your cheating wife.
Pretty good, huh?
So what’s next?
Again, there are three outcomes to expect from the Revelation Sequence.
- First, she could be innocent. You’ll want to make your relationship even stronger moving forward.
- Second, she could confess and apologize. Moving forward, you’ll want to protect your relationship from any form of infidelity.
- And thirdly, she might remain defensive and defiant, never admitting to her guilt. In this case, you can only save your relationship by making her more interested in YOU than in her affair.
And luckily for you, there’s a way to achieve any of the three outcomes above. And that is to make her totally, completely ADDICTED to you.
Yup, you heard that right. ADDICTED. It’s not enough to make her “love” you, because love can fade. Addictions, on the other hand, are here to stay.
You’ll want her to be SO ADDICTED to you that she’ll do anything to NOT lose you. And that includes leaving any romantic relationships she may have with other men.
So how do you do that?
Here’s how: With a technique called Fractionation.
What’s Fractionation?
Well, it’s a conversational technique. With it, you’ll use specialized storytelling to slowly, steadily build her addiction to you.
Imagine that. You’re just talking to her like any husband would to his wife. And yet over time, she gets more and more addicted to you.
That’s the power of Fractionation. And you can master it TODAY. Yes, TODAY.
In just a moment, a link will come up inside this video. That link will take you to a special Online Masterclass. There, Derek Rake himself will teach you all you need to know about Fractionation.
You’ll learn what it is, how it works, and – most importantly – how to start using it on your wife TODAY.
Sounds good, right?
Remember: The ultimate cure for a cheating wife is to make her ADDICTED to you. And nothing does that better than Fractionation. Believe me because this is 100% true.
So go ahead. Click the link and join the Online Masterclass right now. Do it and save your marriage.