Want to learn how to create unspoken tension with a woman?
Here’s why you should. Sexual tension is what makes the difference between platonic and romantic relationships.
If you can’t create it, then your relationships with women will never become romantic.
Let me put it this way. If most or all the women in your life only see you as a friend, then you probably DON’T know how to create sexual tension.
And the worst part? Until you learn how to create it, your future relationships will ALSO be platonic.
So let’s fix that, shall we?
Today’s article is all about Sexual Tension Hacking. You’ll learn about how to create sexual tension WITHOUT even saying anything to her.
Imagine that for a moment. You’re chatting with a woman. Anyone listening in wouldn’t guess there was any sexual tension between you and her.
And yet when your eyes meet, the tension’s so thick you could cut it with a knife. She’s totally disquieted, uncomfortable, and bursting with sexual attraction for you.
That’s Sexual Tension Hacking. You build WAVES of sexual tension without even saying a word.
Yup, it’s possible. And I’m about to show you how.
First, let’s lay out some “sexual tension 101.” It’s important to know the two things to NEVER do if you want to create tension with a woman.
So Here Are The Two Things NEVER To Do If You Want To Create Sexual Tension
The first mistake is to try to make women comfortable.
And this one’s a mistake that MOST inexperienced guys make. The moment they say or do something that makes a woman uncomfortable, they panic. They apologize, they change the subject, or they try to appease her in some way.
Here’s why it’s a mistake: Comfort is the OPPOSITE of tension.
The more comfortable you make a woman feel around you, the less sexual tension she’ll feel for you.
So if you’re an expert at making women comfortable around you, and you’re wondering why you’re not successful with women… well, now you know.
Now, here’s the second mistake: When you reveal your intentions.
The rule is simple: The more mysterious you are, the more sexual tension you create.
That’s why, if you want women to feel that romantic tension with you, you’ll want to keep your intentions secret.
For how long? Until SHE reveals her feelings and intentions. That’s how it goes.
Most guys make the mistake of “confessing their feelings” to the women they like. You know, like they did back in the day when courtship was the norm.
While confessing is still better than using pickup lines, it STILL breaks tension. And so I don’t recommend you do that.
So those are the two mistakes that you should NEVER make.
Now, let me ask you a quick question: Are you, personally, good at creating sexual tension? How do you do it with the women you meet? Comment down below so I’ll know.
Okay, so let’s move right on.
Now, knowing these two mistakes, how do you create unspoken sexual tension?
If you’re new to this whole tension thing, then here’s my recommendation. I suggest you learn how to use the “Empty Eye Contact” technique.
It’s a way of making eye contact with a woman that near-instantly makes her uncomfortable. And this discomfort makes the sexual tension between you shoot through the roof.
The catch? You’ll have to do it right, though. Otherwise, you’ll accidentally KILL the tension, and it’s off to the friendzone with you yet again.
Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen, yeah?
So let me tell you about the Empty Eye Contact technique.
It was developed by the guy who taught me everything I know. He’s Derek Rake, the Mind Control Attraction Coach. You may also know him as the founder of the Shogun Method community.
If there’s one thing you need to know about Derek, it’s that he’s VERY Anti-Pickup Artist. That is, he thinks that 95% of the Pickup Artist advice on the Internet is just regurgitated garbage.
And the Pickup Artist concept of “sexy eye contact” is an example of that kind of advice.
Let me explain…
Try listening to Pickup “gurus” talk about sexual tension. The concept of “sexy eye contact” almost always comes up.
These “experts” tell you that you got to make eye contact with women in a way that tells them you’re attracted to them. This is supposed to “make them feel attracted to you, too.”
Well, news flash – it doesn’t.
And that’s because “sexy eye contact” makes the second mistake: It reveals your intentions.
And so, more often, sexy eye contact just creeps women out. Instead of making them wonder: “Oh, I wonder if he likes me? I MUST know!”, they’ll think: “Oh, so he DOES like me. Eww. Creep.”
So, no – sexy eye contact doesn’t work.
Instead, use “Empty Eye Contact” instead.
There are two parts to this technique.
The first part is to simply make eye contact with no discernable emotion behind it. When you use Empty Eye Contact on a woman, she can’t tell if you’re attracted to her, disgusted, curious, bored, and so on.
It’s just empty. And that’s where its power lies.
The second part is to NOT get flustered when she gets uncomfortable about your Empty Eye Contact. She might say, “What is it?!” or “You’re being creepy, what the heck!”
Most guys would immediately break the frame and apologize. Avoid doing that at all costs.
Instead, simply turn away and smile or chuckle – like you’re thinking of some secret she doesn’t know.
And then you simply continue where your conversation left off. You can simply say: “Anyway, where were we… oh, right, we were talking about vacations…”
You see how it works?
Empty Eye Contact does two things. First, it makes women uncomfortable, and second, it hides your intentions. It’ll drive women crazy wondering how you really feel about her, what you’re up to, and so on.
And the more she wonders and thinks about you, the more attracted she’ll feel. That’s how it works.
So my advice? Learn how to use Empty Eye Contact with women. It’s an explosive way to build sexual tension WITHOUT saying a word.
Pretty good, right?
Now here’s the catch…
Sexual tension – and sexual attraction in general – doesn’t last forever.
If you fail to maintain it, it’ll fade away and disappear.
In fact, that would probably be the third part of the Empty Eye Contact technique – you must CAPITALIZE on it.
That is, you shouldn’t build sexual tension just for the fun of it. You’ll need to make something ROMANTIC happen in the end. Whether it’s a date, a relationship, sex, or anything in between.
If you don’t, then the OPPOSITE is what will happen. In the end, she won’t even see you as a friend – she’ll just hate your guts for getting her hopes up.
So here’s my advice: If you want to build sexual tension, be prepared to capitalize on it.
I suggest you use our trusted friend, the Fractionation technique.
In case you haven’t heard of Fractionation yet, it’s pretty much our “go-to” technique here. It’s a conversation technique that’s designed to make women feel more and more ADDICTED to you.
Just say the right words to trigger the right feelings at the right time – and BOOM. She feels not only attracted, not only seduced, but totally ADDICTED to you.
Imagine that for a moment. What if you had the power to build sexual tension with women AND make them addicted to you, too?
You’ll have a hard time keeping the women you meet from staying just friends with you, that’s for sure.
So you’ve just learned how to use the Empty Eye Contact technique.
If you want to learn how to use Fractionation too, then I got just the thing for you.
Click the link below to take you to Derek’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
It’s a link to Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control. And yes, that’s where he will show you how to start using Fractionation TODAY.
It’s an Online Masterclass that everyone inside the Shogun Method community takes. To me, it’s absolutely essential that every man learns this.
Go ahead – click the link, type in your best e-mail address, and Derek will get to you in just a bit. Check it out now – I’ll see you on the other side. Join the Shogun Method community. Click the link now.