I fucking hate pickup tricks.
I really do. And there’s a good reason for it, too.
Learning how to pick up women is an awful waste of your time. It really is.
Of course, many disagree. They tell me how pickup “builds social skills” or how it helps them “fight the fear of talking to women”.
I think that’s BS.
Why? Because of three reasons.
One, pickup only works at the start when you first meet a woman. Let’s just say you deliver the pickup line and it somewhat works. But what do you say after that, though? If a pickup line is all you’ve got, you’re screwed.
Two, your fear of women won’t go away simply because you know some pickup lines. That’s like putting a band-aid on a gun wound. Silly, right?
And, finally–
Three, pickup tricks are fake as shit. You can bet she sees what you’re trying to do a mile away. Women are not stupid, you know.
So, what I’m trying to say is this:
Pickup will hurt more than help you.
Because to be good with women, you have got to understand women.
Well, guess what? Understanding women goes beyond faking it with silly pickup lines and tricks.
And that’s how a program like Shogun Method is different. It teaches you how to understand women for real.
You’ll learn how women think and feel… and crucially, why they think and feel the way they do. And that’s why Shogun Method works, unlike the crap tricks you find in pickup artist ebooks.
Now look, I’m not here to shill Shogun Method, and so I won’t tell you how great Shogun Method is. If you know, you know.
Bottom line, pickup is shit. Don’t waste your time learning it. Got it?
Having said that, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before today, just for kicks.
I’m going to teach you a pickup trick I created from a Shogun Method technique.
Here’s the thing…
Shogun Method is not about pickup, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use it for pickup.
Derek Rake wrote Shogun Method for men who want long-term relationships, it’s true. But that didn’t stop some guys from using to pick up bar skanks and bang them.
So, let’s have some fun today and see how we can use Shogun Method for pickup.
In Shogun Method, there’s this concept called the Intrigue Ping.
Some say it’s like a pickup line, and indeed, you can use it like one if you like.
Here I’m going to show you how you can tweak an Intrigue Ping into a pickup line. And unlike regular openers, this works on any woman anywhere, anytime and at any place.
Think of it as a pickup routine, but turbocharged with the power and might of Shogun Method.
And that’s not all…
As with everything in Shogun Method, you’ll also learn why it works. And it all has to do with this one weird trait inside a woman’s mind.
Now, what was the weird trait of the female mind I was talking about?
Well, it’s this–unlike the male brain, the female brain has this trait we Shoguns call the Receptive Mode.
What’s the Receptive Mode?
Well, it gets somewhat technical, so bear with me, OK? It will all make sense in the end, I promise.
Here’s what the Receptive Mode is.
You see, at any moment, a woman’s mind is in one of two modes–
The Hot mode, or the Cold mode.
Let’s start with the Cold mode. A woman in Cold mode when she’s aware, sober and careful. This is when she is at her most logical, analytical and rational.
The Cold mode is also her default state. When she does her daily routine, goes to work or deals with friends and regular people, she’s usually Cold.
So far, so good. What about the Hot mode then?
Well, it’s her state of mind when she’s emotional, imaginative and creative. She’s Hot when she’s excited and yet relaxed. Her guard is down and she’s having fun.
If the Cold mode is about routine and rules, the Hot mode is about flexibility and freedom.
Got that?
Now, here’s a question for you.
If you’re making a move on a woman, which mode do you want her to be in? Hot, or Cold?
Think about it for a second. And hold that answer in your head.
The answer is, of course, the HOT mode.
Because it’s the mode where she’s most receptive to your advances. It’s when she’s most open to falling in love.
Kinda obvious, right?
And guess what? Here’s where Shogun Method differs from pickup artist tricks. (For other differences or why Shogun Method is the king of the hill, read my review of the program.)
Like sheep, pickup artists use openers and routines without knowing why. Shoguns use Intrigue Pings to do one thing, and one thing only–
To switch a woman’s mode from Cold to Hot.
That’s pretty much seduction in a nutshell. To seduce a woman, trigger her Hot mode and keep her there.
When a woman is in Hot mode, she’s imaginative, bold and free. It’s an experience that excites and liberates her. And with the right Intrigue Pings, you can give that experience to her.
On the other hand, if she is in Cold mode, she’s disconnected from you.
When she’s Cold, she’ll look at everything you say and do with a critical eye. When she’s Cold, trust is low.
When she’s Cold, rapport is non-existent.
And you know what? Pickup lines are awful because of this. Those stock openers that pickup artists use… guess what? They are often triggers for a woman’s Cold mode.
I mean, it makes intuitive sense, right? Imagine you’re a woman, and some jerk approaches you with a pickup line you’ve heard ten times before.
How will you react? Your guard comes up immediately, right?
Now, here’s the truth. Most guys have zero clue about putting women in Hot mode.
I mean, go ask your guy friends. I can guarantee you that none of them would have even heard of the Receptive Mode.
But guess what? You won’t be one of those clueless guys…
…because today, you’re going to learn everything about the LMG Mind Reader.
What’s the LMG Mind Reader?
Well, if you know Shogun Method, you’ll be familiar with what Shoguns call Intrigue Pings.
What are Intrigue Pings?
Well, they are simple conversation starters that do two things.
One, it catches a woman’s attention. And two, it arouses a woman’s curiosity.
Those two things switch a woman’s Receptive Mode from Cold to Hot.
And that’s not all. Intrigue Pings are also the entry point to the IRAE Model. It’s the four-stage process with which a woman falls in love.
Now, I gotta tell you this upfront…
We’re not talking about the IRAE Model in detail today. If you’re a member of ShogunMethod.net, then go to Module 3 inside the program.
So, what does the Intrigue Ping has got to do with the LMG Mind Reader technique?
Well, it’s an original pickup line that I’ve created based on the Shogun Method Intrigue Ping. And here’s how it works…
LMG stands for “Let Me Guess”.
It’s simple. All you need to do is to say, “Let me guess…” and then you make a clever guess about her.
Let me give you an example.
Let’s say you’re on a date with a woman. You noticed she was on her phone, browsing for books on Amazon.
So, what you do is you say to her:
“Let me guess… you love books.”
Simple, right?
But there’s an important twist to the trick. You must NOT say this to her immediately. Why? Because you don’t want to make it obvious.
Instead, find a way to slip that into the conversation later naturally.
She’ll react by asking you back–
“How could you tell?”
You then pause, smile, and say:
“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling, I guess.”
Now, here’s a bonus tip…
When a woman asks you how you know something, especially when it’s about her… it’s always good to say:
“It’s just a feeling.”
Because remember, women are all about emotions. Never explain anything to a woman using facts and logic… unless you want her to turn Cold.
Got that?
When you meet someone new, I’m sure you’ll look for her on Facebook or Instagram, yes?
While her bikini selfies are definitely interesting and visually stimulating, her pics are useful in another way–
It gives you fodder for your LMG Mind Reader.
See her posing at the wine cellar?
Say: “Let me guess… you’re a wine connoisseur.”
See her on a beach sipping a margarita?
Say: “Let me guess… you’re a sun worshipper.”
See her feeding stray puppies by the roadside?
Say: “Let me guess… you love dogs.”
Get the point?
And when she asks you how you know, you hit her with the ultimate Hot mode trigger…
“I don’t know… it’s just a feeling.”
This works like magic, trust me. “Let me guess” and “It’s just a feeling”… women absolutely love that shit.
Now, you might ask me:
“Fredo, why does this work so well, man?”
Here’s the simple answer–
Women love men who know things about them without saying them outright. Why? Because a woman’s deepest desire in life is to find the man who connects with her spiritually.
An Intrigue Ping like the LMG Mind Reader makes her see you as her soulmate. You’re someone who connects with her spiritually. In her eyes, you’re the One.
And that’s what Shogun Method does–to make a woman see you as the One.
Mind blowing, right?
But I’ve got to warn you, though. As effective as the LMG Mind Reader is, it’s only the start of a process…
Because it takes multiple stages for a woman to fall in love with a man. In fact, there are FOUR.
Remember the IRAE Model? Intrigue is the first stage out of the four.
(The other three stages are Rapport, Attraction and Enslavement.)
The LMG Mind Reader is an Intrigue Ping. You’ll nail the Intrigue stage with it, but it’s not enough. You must escalate to the Rapport stage quickly, or her interest in you will plummet.
And be careful… because once a woman loses interest, it’s tough to get her interested again.
So, what do you follow up the LMG Mind Reader with?
Fractionation, that’s what.
Now, here’s the most important part, so pay attention.
At the end of this article, there’s a link. Click on it. It’ll take you to the Shogun Method Masterclass on Fractionation.
There, you’ll learn everything about Fractionation–what it is, and how to use it on a woman to capture her heart.
With LMR Mind Reader, you’ll intrigue a woman. And with Fractionation, you’ll make her fall in love with you.
Remember–you want her to see you as the One. Fractionation is how to make that happen, Shogun Method style.
So, here’s what to do next. Go ahead and sign up for the Masterclass. Do it now.