Want to learn how to pass a woman’s shit tests?
If you do, then great, because I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about a woman’s shit tests.
First, let’s get the obvious bad news out of the way…
Shit tests are an inescapable part of any romantic relationship.
Even happy wives and girlfriends will shit test you.
They may test you rarely, but they’ll test you nonetheless, often without warning.
And women who are less-than-happy? They’ll shit test you even MORE frequently. And worse, they will start to pull reverse psychology tricks on you, too.
Here’s the kicker…
If you don’t know how to pass the tests, then you WILL lose your woman. Guaranteed. No doubts about it.
So let’s make sure that doesn’t happen, okay?
This article will teach you two things:
First, how to tell between the two DIFFERENT types of shit tests…
And second, how to pass BOTH of them in one swoop, using the “Yes Man” technique.
Like I said – this is the last thing about the subject of “Shit Tests” that you’ll ever need to know. Trust me on this.
Types Of Shit Tests
There are the “standard shit tests”, and the “comfort shit test.”
For simplicity’s sake, let’s call them the “standard” and “comfort” tests.
And among all shit tests, about 80% are “standard” tests. Only 20% are “comfort” tests.
Let’s start with the first one.
The “standard” shit test is when she checks if you’re as “alpha” as you look.
Or in other words, she wants you to answer in a way that makes you look even cooler, stronger, or more dominant.
For example, let’s say you were in a conversation with a woman. Then, out of the blue, she says: “You’re a player, aren’t you?”
What do you do?
Here’s a clue. If you get mad, or get emotional, or apologize, or try to get even with her – then you FAIL the test.
Why? It’s simply because all of those are NOT very alpha. In fact, quite the opposite.
And since you proved you’re not quite as alpha as you look, then her attraction to you plummets.
On the other hand, if you react in an “alpha” way, she feels even MORE attracted to you. That’s how you pass the test.
Got it?
Now, let’s take a look at the second type of shit test – the “comfort” test.
This is the opposite of the first one. With a comfort test, a woman is checking to see how “beta” you are.
In other words, she wants you to answer in a way that makes you look more caring, loving, or thoughtful.
So if she says, “You’re a player, aren’t you?”, and you react in an “alpha” way, what happens?
You FAIL the comfort test, of course. She wanted you to make her feel better, but you just acted like an ass.
Big problem, huh?
It’s nearly impossible to tell if a shit test is “standard” or “comfort.”
If it’s a “standard” shit test, responding in an alpha way is good; the beta way is bad.
Meanwhile, if it’s a “comfort” shit test, responding in a BETA way is good; the ALPHA way is bad.
In any case, that leads us to the obvious question: Are we doomed to fail shit tests?
Here’s the good news…
You can pass EVERY SINGLE SHIT TEST by using the “Yes Man” technique.
“Yes-Man” Strategy
It was developed by Shogun Method, an online community of which I’m a part of.
Just a quick backstory. Shogun Method is a global group of 17,000 men who focus on one thing. And that is to study the use of deep psychology to solve various relationship problems. And those problems include today’s topic – shit tests.
Long story short, over the years, our collective efforts led to the birth of the “Yes Man” technique. It’s a near-foolproof way to pass shit tests.
So here’s how it works…
First, you automatically assume any shit test you receive is a “standard” shit test.
After all, 80% of the shit tests you’ll get in life are “standard” tests. So this first step alone puts you in the win column.
So let’s say she tests you by asking: “You’re a player, aren’t you?”
How do you respond?
A good way is to “agree more forcefully.” You sarcastically agree with whatever she says.
For example, she says: “You’re a player, aren’t you?”
And you say: “Oh yeah. I have a million girlfriends. They just don’t know it.” And then you continue the previous conversation as though nothing happened.
That’s a solid “alpha” response. You know she’s testing you, and yet you skilfully parried it aside like it didn’t bother you in the slightest.
80% of the time, this will satisfy her. Her attraction shoots up, and she’ll be much warmer moving forward.
Now, what if it were a “comfort” shit test?
Then it means she was secretly hoping you would reassure her. So when you give your sarcastic response, she’ll feel hurt, and she might pout or turn away.
When that happens, the second step of the “Yes Man” technique comes in. You reach out and pull her in for a hug. You’re basically telling her with your actions: “I’m kidding, I love you.”
That’s a solid “beta” response, and it covers you in case it was a comfort test she gave you.
Again, it’ll satisfy her, and she’ll be warmer and more genial from then on.
And that, my friend, is the “Yes Man” technique. If you want to know how to pass a woman’s shit tests, just think of the “Yes” part. You won’t forget it, ever.
Now, here’s a bonus tip about shit tests…
By now, we know that we can’t AVOID them. Even a happy girlfriend or wife will shit test you once in a while, just to confirm her doubts or put them to rest.
So the question: Can you at least MINIMIZE the number of shit tests you’ll get in your life?
More good news. Yes, you can.
You’ll need to use a different Shogun Method technique for it, though. This one’s called “Fractionation.”
And combined with the “Yes Man” technique, you’ll be all set. You’ll have all you need to lead a satisfying, low-stress, and near-effortless love life.
There’s just a catch, though.
Fractionation is about triggering the “addiction centers” in a woman’s brain.
Put simply, the more you use Fractionation on women, the more they feel ADDICTED to you.
As you might expect, it’s a bit controversial. So I can’t exactly explain it fully in an article like this one.
So I got something even better for you.
At the end of this article, there is a link.
That link will take you to Shogun Method’s Online Masterclass.
The topic? Fractionation, of course.
In the Masterclass, you’ll learn all you need to start using Fractionation on women TODAY.
In fact, with it alone, you have all you need to start better, happier relationships with women.
See for yourself.
Are you ready for a big change?
Then go ahead – click the link and join Shogun Method’s Online Masterclass now. Come join us as a Shogun!