Is there a woman in your life who you want to impress? Do you want to learn how to make her feel special? Then this article is for you — but do be sure to read ’til the end.
First of all, let me give you a virtual high-five. You have the natural urge to make a woman feel special. That’s the sign you’re a real man, and I think that’s awesome.
I have some bad news, though.
Here’s what most real men don’t know: There’s a right and wrong way to make a woman feel special. And the wrong way actually KILLS your chances of getting into a relationship with her.
So let’s get things straight before we accidentally ruin a good thing, right?
In this article, we’ll talk about the right and wrong ways to make a woman feel special. And of course, we’ll start with the WRONG way.
How To Make Her Feel Special
What NOT To Do!
This is when you use your RESOURCES to do the job.
In other words, you use your time, money, and energy to make her feel special.
The most common and most nauseating example of all? It’s when you take a woman to a fancy restaurant to make her feel “special.”
It’s also when you give her expensive gifts.
Or when you do her favors usually reserved for girlfriends and wives.
These are all the WRONG ways to make a woman feel special. And do you know why?
It’s because it tells her that you’re just like EVERY OTHER GUY in her life.
She looks at you and thinks: “He’s trying so hard. It’s cute… but also embarrassing and disgusting.”
Yup, I’m not kidding. This is the reason why nice guys finish last in the dating game. Have you ever dumped so much of your resources on a woman only to get friend-zoned in the end? If you have, then you know how it goes.
What do you think? Do you agree that investing your resources in a woman actually TURNS HER OFF? Yes or no?
In any case, I’ll say it again. Using your resources on a woman MAY make her feel special. And yet it will NOT make her feel any romance towards you.
If you want her to fall in love with you, then you’ll need a different approach.
And that’s what the next part of this article will cover.
You’re about to learn a technique called the “Special Treatment Sequence.” It’s a proven, science-based way to make a woman feel special AND attracted to you at the same time.
And that’s what REALLY matters. Attraction. Without it, you’re just a friend to her.
So how does the “Special Treatment Sequence” work?
The Special Treatment Sequence
The Special Treatment Sequence is a technique that comes from Shogun Method.
In case you haven’t heard of it before, it’s a special online community of men. They employ scientific principles to succeed in the dating game. This is in contrast to most other online communities, who prefer “pickup artist tricks.”
Shogun Method prefers proven techniques based on applied psychology – you know, tactics that are based on the science of persuasion. And the Special Treatment Sequence is one of its more powerful techniques (along with tactics like reverse psychology).
Here’s the principle behind it…
The female mind has certain “triggers” hard-wired by Mother Nature into it. These are triggers for excitement, fear, disgust, attraction, and so on.
Now, when it comes to dating, the female mind’s “disgust trigger” gets pulled at a certain emotion. And that emotion is FAMILIARITY.
Ever heard of the saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt?” It definitely applies to the dating game. When you use your resources to try to impress a woman, it makes her think: “He’s just like all the others.” Familiarity = disgusting. That’s how it works.
Now, to get the results you want, you’ll need to pull a different trigger in the female mind. And that’s the ADDICTION trigger.
That’s right. Shogun Method practitioners know this from the start. If you want to make a woman truly fall in love with you, then you must make her ADDICTED to you.
After all – if she’s addicted to you, she’ll stay hooked on you no matter how good or bad the relationship gets. That’s the outcome you want to achieve. And that’s the outcome the Special Treatment Sequence will get for you.
So here’s how it works. It takes two steps.
First, you must take note of anything special and unique about the woman you’re after. It might be an interesting profession. Or a quirky mannerism. Or a stylish accessory.
Look for something on her that sets her apart from the others. And then, once you have it, move to the second step. And that is to make a “thoughtful statement” about her life using that special something.
Let’s use an example. Let’s say she shows you her social media page, and you notice all her photos are of herself. She has no photos with anyone who looks like her boyfriend.
So you can make a thoughtful guess and say:
“I noticed you’re alone in most of your photos. Let me guess: You’re a friendly and ambitious person, but you’ve been hurt by stupid boyfriends in the past.”
See how it works?
Or let’s say during your conversation, she tells you something like: “I’m still looking for my direction in life.”
In this case, you can make a thoughtful question and say:
“Why? If you could choose any job in the world, no limits, what would it be?”
You get the idea, right?
Think of these statements and questions as “hooks.” They’re meant to deepen the convo and make her feel understood, accepted, and free of judgment.
You’ll know you “hooked” her when she shows the following signs:
- First, when she eagerly answers your statement or question…
- Second, when she starts telling you her deepest secrets and other personal stuff…
- Third, when she starts asking about you and your life, and
- Fourth, when she starts hinting about spending more time together.
The more you use the Special Treatment Sequence on her, the deeper your bond gets and the more special she feels. More importantly, though, she’ll feel more and more ATTRACTED to you.
In fact, take note when shows the fourth sign, which is hinting about spending more time together. You’re pretty much one step away from a relationship with her.
And that brings us to the next phase. You got to make her properly ADDICTED to you.
And to do that, you’ll need a second Shogun Method technique. This one’s called Fractionation.
What is it?
Fractionation is a powerful conversation technique. It’s probably the most powerful one you’ll ever learn in your life. It pulls her “addiction trigger” even MORE than the Special Treatment Sequence.
It’s THAT powerful.
Having said that, Fractionation requires more finesse than the Special Treatment Sequence.
So I got something better lined up for you.
At the end of this article, you’ll find a link. That link will take you to a special Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
There, the founder of Shogun Method himself will teach you everything about Fractionation. You’ll learn what it is, how it works, and – of course – how to start using it on women TODAY.
Finally, remember:
If you use your resources to make a woman feel special, you’ll be just like everyone else. She won’t choose you if there are any richer, smarter, or more attractive men going after her.
And yet with Fractionation, you’ll set yourself apart from the crowd. You’ll be miles ahead of every other guy in her life – and she’ll know it right on your first meeting.
And that, my friend, is the proper way how to make her feel special.
If that sounds good to you, then you know what to do, yes?
Click on this link and join the Online Masterclass now.