Are you dating a woman in your life, but now she wants a break?
What does it mean?
And most importantly – what should you do?
I got some bad news for you…
When your woman “wants a break,” it’s usually a bad sign. And that’s because you’re being trapped into a situation you normally can’t win.
What does that mean?
It means that if you don’t navigate this situation correctly, you WILL lose her in the end. Seriously, it’s one of those relationship mistakes that you don’t want to make… trust me on this.
And you know what? Most guys WILL make that mistake because it’s really easy to make. You will end up with the same fate unless you follow the tips in this article.
You’re about to learn what it means when your woman wants a “break,” and exactly what to do when she does. That way, in the end, she’ll end up staying with you, and your relationship will be even stronger than before.
She Wants A Break! (What Does It Mean?)
Put simply, it means you’re doing something wrong in your relationship.
And whatever it is that you’re doing wrong, it’s serious enough that she wants to re-evaluate her options.
That is – she’s now not very sure you’re “the one” for her or even “good” for her.
Now, some men might say:
“Nah, that can’t be. We’re probably just going through a rough spot and she needs some alone time. Nothing serious, right?”
Well, to be honest, that IS serious.
I mean, think about it. If you’re going through a rough spot, the only place she SHOULD go to is by your side. The only person she SHOULD go to is YOU.
That’s the healthiest way to solve any relationship problem. And here he is, wanting to “take a break” from it.
Do you see what I’m saying?
If she wants a break, she wants to go somewhere else. Or she wants to see someone else. Or both.
And that’s a bad sign.
The bottom line is this: She’s not happy in the relationship. Or at least, she’s not happy enough to feel sure she wants to stay.
And unless you change her mind FAST, you WILL lose her. If not now, then somewhere down the line.
“My Girlfriend Wants A Break, But Still Loves Me.”
So what should you do?
Here’s what…
You now have three options.
The first option is to give up and let her have her break. Here, you’re leaving it up to luck to decide whether she comes back to you or not.
Bad choice, I’d say.
Your second option is to convince her NOT to take the break. You take her on a fancy date, you buy her expensive gifts, promise to be a “better man,” and so on. All in an effort to make her stay.
Sounds good, right?
Unfortunately, this is actually a WORSE choice than the first one.
Here’s why: If you chose the first option and let her have her break, you give yourself a 50-50 chance of getting her back.
Meanwhile, what happens if you picked the second option and tried to make her stay?
You’re giving yourself a near-100-percent chance of losing her, that’s what.
It’s because of a hidden “flaw” in her mind – a critical “weakness” that all women have.
And by practically “begging” her to stay, you trigger this flaw. And you send waves of disgust and repulsion through her.
And she’ll think: “Yes, I was right to want to leave this guy.”
Does that sound hard to believe?
Trust me – it’s true. And I’ll show you why in just a moment.
For now, let me ask you these three questions:
Do you love your woman?
Do you want her to stay with you?
And are you willing to do whatever it takes to keep her?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, then pay close attention to what you’re about to learn in this guide.
Critical Flaw In A Woman’s Mind
This critical flaw was revealed to me by my friend and mentor, Derek Rake.
Derek is a dating coach who teaches NOT pickup artist advice, but Dark Mind Control and psychology. He helps men become more successful with women by teaching them what the female mind responds to.
And this “critical flaw of the female mind” is one of his most important lessons of all.
Here’s the flawL
Women respond four times more powerfully to MALE DOMINANCE than to MALE KINDNESS.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Your woman is four times more attracted to your strength and dominance than to your kindness.
This is the reason why most women say they want a “gentleman,” but they end up dating jerks.
This flaw is also why women put nice guys in friend-zones while they hook up with a-holes.
And, yes, it’s also why she’ll be MASSIVELY TURNED OFF if you try to win her back with dates, gifts, and promises.
See, here’s the thing. Earlier in this article, I mentioned that she wants a break because you’re doing something wrong.
That “something wrong” is this: You’re not dominant enough.
She’ll never say it out loud. She may not even consciously know about it. Believe me.
Regardless, your dominance is the most important – and most attractive – trait she wants in a man.
The root of ANY unhappiness for a woman in a relationship is a man who’s not “man enough.”
And right now, you’re not “man enough.” That’s why she wants a break. Plain and simple.
So what should you do instead?
That’s where your third option comes in.
It’s called the “Decision Regret” technique. And it involves you using her request for a “break” to change her mind.
Shogun Method “Decision Regret” Technique
Here’s how “Decision Regret” works.
First, you agree “disappointingly” to take the break.
You could tell her:
“You know what? Okay – let’s take a break. I’m a little disappointed – I really thought we had something special.”
And so the break happens.
And during the break, you focus on having a great time by yourself.
For instance:
- You could focus on making more money and spending it.
- Or you could catch up with your friends and go on that road trip you’ve been planning.
- Or you could take up an exciting new hobby, like skydiving or backpacking.
- Or you could hit the dating scene again, meet new women and improve your conversational skills with them.
Now, here’s the important part: She must KNOW about the great time you’re having.
For instance, if you’re friends on social media, post your photos where she can see them.
She’ll see you having fun, spending money, going skydiving, and meeting women. And what happens?
The flaw in her mind gets triggered, that’s what.
She’ll see the photos, and she’ll see what a strong, dominant, exciting guy you actually are.
And she’ll feel that all-important feeling in the pit of her stomach: Decision Regret.
She’ll feel she made a HUGE mistake letting you go. And so, soon enough, she’ll get in touch with you, asking to get back together.
And when she does, congratulations. The “break” is over and you’ve won her back.
And now, she’s that much more attracted to you – enough to stay a while longer.
Pretty good, huh?
It gets even better…
Remember Derek Rake, the friend and mentor I mentioned earlier in this article?
He was the one who developed the “Decision Regret” technique. It was meant to help his clients who were at risk of losing their women – just like you.
And that’s not all – he’s also the originator of the theory of “stages of love” – the legendary IRAE Model that you may have heard before.
How To Put A Woman On Emotional Rollercoaster
Now, here’s the thing – he based “Decision Regret” on an even more POWERFUL technique.
See, here’s the thing…
The power of “Decision Regret” is in the emotional rollercoaster it’ll put your woman on.
First, she feels the “high” of being free again during the break. Then, she feels the “low” of realizing you’re a dominant guy who’s having so much fun WITHOUT her.
That emotional rollercoaster pulls an “addiction trigger” in her mind((Asensio, Samuel, Vicente Hernández-Rabaza, and José Víctor Orón Semper. “What Is the “Trigger” of Addiction?.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14 (2020).)). And it gives her that undeniable urge to run back to you.
Powerful stuff. And anyone can learn it – including you.
In fact, you can learn it immediately after this!
See, this “emotional rollercoaster” has a proper term in the science of Mind Control.
It’s called “Fractionation.” It’s the most basic, yet most powerful, Mind Control technique there is. (There are also techniques, like Gaslighting, which will complement something like Fractionation.)
Fractionation is the core of nearly all Mind Control techniques you could learn.
And you can learn Fractionation TODAY if you want to.
So let me ask you these questions now:
Do you want your woman to not just love you, but also feel ADDICTED to you?
Do you want her to feel so emotionally attached to you that she’ll never, ever leave you?
And are you willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen?
Join the Online Masterclass on Mind Control and change your life forever, believe me! Do it now and click the link.